Idris Elba proves his boxing skills when he jumps in the ring with pro fighters

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Luther star Idris Elba proves he’s a real knockout by impressing top fighters with his boxing skills.

The Wire actor took a break from filming his scary Stephen King movie to jump in the ring at a gym.

And trainer Rowan Katzewm reckons he could even carve a career in the sport. “Idris told me he loves fighting,” he said.

“For a guy of 43, he’s on top form. He jumped into my class and we were all very impressed. He has the potential to be a full-time fighter. He’s a natural.”

Rowan, who works at the Top Primate Academy in Cape Town, later tweeted he was “an awesome guy” who “packs a serious punch”.

Idris is spending the next three months in South Africa filming The Dark Tower, where he plays a gunslinger squaring up to Matthew McConaughey.

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